Lee Richmond Parents and Community,
Our entire staff is committed to providing a high-quality learning experience for your child(ren). It is also very important for your child(ren) to fully participate in the learning process. In order for high quality instruction and learning to occur, students have to be in school every day. We have a school goal of 98% attendance, each and every day! Please make sure to prioritize your children coming to school, every day, on time. This is a team effort, and we can’t do it without the support of our families. In addition, Lee Richmond students, staff, and families are committed to the following PRIDE Expectations: Positive, Respectful, Integrity, Disciplined, and Exemplary.
Teachers spend time reviewing the PRIDE expectations on a daily basis. When students are demonstrating the PRIDE expectations, the students may:
• Be rewarded with PRIDE coins/points
• Redeem PRIDE coins/points in the Panther Den for cool prizes and snacks
• Be recognized Panthers of the Month • Receive a shout out at our weekly PRIDAY celebration
If students choose to not follow the PRIDE expectations or are chronically absent from school, the following may occur:
• Phone calls home from teacher or office staff
• Home visits made by office staff
• Home visits made by our Hanford Police Dept School Resource Officer – it is the law for children to be in school
• Notices/Citations of Unacceptable Behavior (behavior incidents)
As parents and families, you can help your child be successful and show their Panther PRIDE by ensuring that they are developing healthy habits around school, at home, and in the community. Ensure that your child is attending school every day, ask them about what they learned daily, and ensure that your child is completing all their assignments. If you have any questions about the classroom instruction or assignments, you can always reach out to your child’s teacher via ParentSquare.
We are in this together and always here to help. Show that Panther PRIDE!
Sincerely, Mrs. Calvillo, Proud Panther Principal
Home of the Lee Richmond College-bound Panthers!